• 202-02-(2837873 - 2829605 -2832951- 2839162 - 2841803
  • medium_egemac@yahoo.com

All installations for high voltage substations, medium and low voltage projects are designed by the acquired expertise and engineers using the latest engineering programs in the mechanical and electrical design.
Due to the outstanding reputation of EGEMAC, it was assigned for our company the maintenance and rehabilitation of some substations in countries such as: Lebanon, Palestine and Yemen.


Within the framework of implementing the plan of the Ministry of Electricity, opening new labor markets with the countries of the African continent, especially with regard to the supply of electrical supplies, due to the quality and efficiency that characterizes the electricity sector, represented by the “EGEMAC” company, the economic and investment arm of the electrical sector during the current period.

The 21 kiosks were manufactured and assembled inside the company’s factory by 100% Egyptian hands, within the framework of implementing the instructions and directives of the political leadership to work on developing, modernizing and disseminating local products and maximizing the benefit from them, which will benefit the Egyptian state and achieve the maximum benefit from foreign currencies.

The kiosks were loaded and delivered to the democratic republic of Congo, in the presence of an official delegation from EGEMAC, which made officials in Congo They praise the rates of performance, achievement and manufacturing precision.

Each kiosk includes a transformer with a capacity of 630 KVA. It was completely manufactured within a short period through the combined efforts of the company’s employees. 

EGEMAC Those who are making every effort during the current period to raise the name of the company that was able to gain everyone’s confidence in the accuracy and efficiency of its products, making it a destination for all investors from outside the country.

El Nafei

Based on the implementation of the directives and instructions of the Egyptian political leadership to establish cooperative relations with our Arab brothers through the signing of various partnership contracts that include the establishment of joint veture between the Egyptian and Saudi sides to improve the national income of the Egyptian state and support local manufacturing related to various electricity tasks, due to what distinguishes the Egyptian electricity and renewable energy sector, represented by EGEMAC Company is of high quality in manufacturing various electrical supplies, as it is the ambassador of the Ministry of Electricity outside the country, especially the Arab brothers.

Today, Eng. Medhat Ramadan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the EGEMAC Group of Companies, signed the founding contract for an Egyptian-Saudi company bearing the name (Al-Nafi_EGEMAC) Company.IdealismEnergy Solutions), headquartered in Jeddah, with leaders and representatives of Al Nafea Group, which specializes in implementing various energy projects.

The establishment of the company aims to carry out the work of manufacturing, supplying and implementing the electrical equipment necessary for projects being implemented inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.